Princess Kate the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, at 4: 24 p.m. on July 22, 2013; weighing in at 8 pounds, 6 ounces. George Alexander Louis suddenly became the third in line to the British throne and already enjoys the officially title of “His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.”
How beautiful it was to behold the exciting episode as it unfolded before our eyes like pages in a Cinderella story. The royal birth was as beautiful as everyone hoped it would be,
In comparison to William and Kate’s royal treatment of their child, I look away across the sea to a place like Zimbabwe. If you are a woman reading this article, you will want to thank God that you are not a woman living in Zimbabwe giving birth to a child. Zimbabwe is a nation where the average income is $150 a year, and where hospitals routinely charge $50 to deliver a baby. While that cost is high, a baby’s delivery is something for which you expect to pay. But, in Zimbabwe some hospitals charge a woman $5 for every time she screams during delivery. Even worse, they won’t release the child until the charges are paid.
This reminds me of that social-engineer-wing-nut-philosopher Rousseau who abandoned his mistress and placed his two daughters in an orphanage and went on to write a book (Emile) on how to educate them As John Locke said, “Parents wonder why the streams are bitter when they themselves poisoned the fountain.”
Now I want us to think of Prince William as a new father. My instincts are that he will be a great father. As a parent want to ask you three very simple but important questions;
- According to the U.S. Department of Health, 63 percent of youth suicides come from _______ homes.2. According to the Center for Disease Control, 85 percent of all children with mental or behavioral disorders come from __________ homes.
* According to the National Principals Association 71 percent of high school dropouts come from ______________ homes.
3. According to The Christian Post, teenage girls are 711 percent more likely to have children as a teen, 53 percent less likely to marry as a teen, and 92 percent more likely to get divorced if they are from a ____________ home.
Well, did you figure out the answer?
To get 100 percent on the quiz you can put the word “fatherless” into each of the blanks above.
It is scary to watch our culture as it is slowly becoming a fatherless society. In the black community fathers abandoning their children it’s as high as 80%. Paradoxically, the percentage of women who respect marriage is rising dramatically, while the percentage of men who value marriage is dropping like a stone. And who will pay the price for this shift in society? It will be the children, of course. You need not be a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to see where this downward spiral will lead us. It will not be a Kate-William –George society.
A recent story in the news illustrates the unlivable, roadmap to nowhere that our present generation is on.
A baby boy, likely just days old, was rescued after Chinese workers pulled him from an apartment’s four-inch sewer pipe. The baby’s cries were heard after his parents, for an unreported reason, decided to flush him down the toilet. When the responders found themselves unable to pull the baby out, they sawed off the sewer pipe and rushed him to the hospital where the doctors were able to “deliver” the baby — a second time.
The irony is that a great deal of effort was put into rescuing the child by representatives of a society which, as they enforce the official government policy of “one child per family,” ends up aborting 13 million children a year.
The miraculous thing is that, against all odds, the child has survived. The beautiful thing is that this baby was rescued and given life, despite the forces which otherwise would have been glad to end it.
This very day across America some 4000 babies will have their lives terminated and most of them just because the mother and the father do not want to change their life style. . (See Exodus 2:5-10)
Hopefully the homes of Christian men and women will be different. As followers of Christ we follow a different standard, walk in a different direction. But sadly, the Christian concept of the ‘family’ is something many in society are now abandoning. The best, secular psychiatrists have ever come up with is: “Marriage is a 50-50 proposition.” However, that is not what the Scriptures say. In Scripture fathers are told be the leader, the high priest of their home. Paul put it this way, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25).
That means sacrificial living, giving when it’s not wanted, loving when it’s not appreciated, and going the extra mile when it is not applauded. It means putting the welfare of your wife and children above that of self.
Praises be to God for a Heavenly Father who did not abandon us in our greatest hour of need. Praises be to our King of kings and Lord of lords who “demonstrated (proved, displayed, exhibited) his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
Psalm 127:3-4 “Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.”
Be Especially Nice To Your Family Today,
Pastor Bryant