by Robert Bryant | Mar 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
Finished! This is my last article on Islam. Because it is fourteen pages I have divided it into two parts. Section One I have another dozen articles burning within me, but I find the subject too depressing to carry on. I have done my best, to be honest, and candid. I...
by Robert Bryant | Mar 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
Toleration? Like the setting sun, darkness follows in its footsteps. In the article below I mention almost nothing about Islam’s teaching regarding, honor killing, female genital mutilation, child marriages, the Islamic hell where your skin is burned off, grown back,...
by Robert Bryant | Mar 8, 2023 | Uncategorized
Violence! Let us keep the outline in view, Stage One, Islam claims it does not compel or force its religion upon anyone. However, when it comes to Stage Three, they hoist a different flag. It is now Domination time. Surah 9:29 is a verse every non-Islamist must...
by Robert Bryant | Mar 8, 2023 | Uncategorized
Violence Part I of II Like the setting sun, so is Islam, darkness follows in its footsteps. In the blog below I mention almost nothing about Islam’s teaching regarding, honor killing, female genital mutilation, child marriages, the Islamic hell where your skin is...