If you should ask me why I know there is such a place as heaven, I would give you four reasons.
First: because the Human Soul Has Always Longed For Such A Place As Heaven.
You can go as far back as history will take you and you will find that this is true. The Egyptians had a heaven they called Yaru, and you can go to the Pyramids today and find inscriptions on their ancient walls that were written 3000 years before the feet of Jesus ever walked across the hills of Galilee. The cry for immortality is universal! Now I don’t believe that God would have planted in the soul of man a longing like that without making such a provision for it.
I like living in this whole world. I’m getting along just fine here, and would stay here 1000 years if I could. But the time comes for us all when we have to die, and I want something bigger and better in every way that what this world has to offer. I want this hunger in my heart that cries out for heaven satisfied.
Secondly: I know there is such a place as heaven The Human Soul Needs Just Such A Place.
He soul needs another life in order to – go – on to perfection. Sir Isaac Newton have mind that could master the profoundest truths as easily as the average man can handle his ABCs, yet Newton said, he was only a child picking up a few pebbles on the shore while the great ocean of truth stretches unexplored before him. How little man really knows compared to all there is to know so many never have a chance to develop, though Giants in their field. The die almost before they get started. Keats died when he was only 22, and Raphael the unrivaled artist at 37. The soul needs heaven for only heaven will allow us to finish – out what we have left unfinished here.
Thirdly: I know there is a place called heaven because, “Justice” Demands That There Be Such A Place.
Where is justice in Earth today? The whole business of justice is upside down. If you only held a man gets is in this life where is justice? Nero and Borgia and others like them have sat on thrones while godly saints had been sent to the dungeons and scaffolds and flames.. Is it just is that men like Nero and Diocletian and Hitler and Stalin should wade in innocent blood and not suffer for their crimes? Justice steps in and has a word To Say.
Fourthly: I believe there is such a place called heaven because God Says There Is.
The whole Bible is full of it. And to doubt it for a moment is to scorn divine love and wisdom. I would rather have God’s word about anything in the opinion of a philosopher or a scientist. Jesus said,” In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would’ve told you. I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there you maybe also.”
Yes, Heaven is a real, literal place. But before but before concluding this article I want to ask you a question: Do you know that you’re going to happen? You can know you’re going to heaven. The Bible says so and that is enough and that is a wonderful thing. The apostle John wrote,” These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.” The apostle Paul said,” For I Know Whom I Have Believed And Am Persuaded That He Is Able To Keep That Which I Have Committed Under Him Against That Day.” Paul is saying, I know that I am going to heaven when I die. Do you have that same kind of Blessed assurance? Isn’t God’s word proof enough?
Here Is Another Wonderful Truth. You can not only know that you are going to heaven, but you can know that you will do so as soon as you die.” Absent from the body, present with the Lord.” The Bible says, the moment your soul leaves your body you are present with the Lord, if you have accepted Jesus as your own personal Savior. The thief on the cross did and Jesus said to him, “This day you shall be with me in paradise.” The moment a Christian sense goodbye down here, they say hello up there. It’s goodbye here on earth but good morning up there in heaven toward. Do you know if you are going to heaven? Have you sincerely asked Jesus to come and live in your heart and wash your sins away with his precious Blood? If you haven’t don’t wait a moment longer, until you have made it sure that heaven is your home. Turn to Christ with a repenting heart and trust him to save you now. I trust that you will, for I know that he will not turn you away!!!
He Is Only A Prayer Away!
Pastor Bob