Russell was an ardent proponent of Darwinism. He taught his children that “mankind was no more than an accident of evolution.” When he traveled with his family, his daughter recalls, “he suggested that we might lean out the windows when we passed other cars and shout out: ‘Your grandfather was a monkey.’ This was to convince them of the correctness of Darwin’s theory of evolution”
Russell’s daughter Katharine Tait charged: “When he wanted to attack religion, he sought out its most egregious errors and held them up to ridicule, while avoiding serious discussion of the basic message”
Listen to Russell here, and see if he sounds like the loving fuzz ball and champion of humanity that he paraded himself to be.
“In rational, intelligent human beings, when they learn a fact that is in direct conflict with a held belief, they reevaluate that belief and likely reject it as untrue. However, most religious people act as if they do not want to be bothered with facts. These are some of the most dangerous and psychologically unstable people on the planet. They’re willingly being controlled by a schizophrenic mind that allows both fact and fiction, truths and mythology to govern their actions.. Among atheists, the schizophrenic nature of the religious mind is among the most frustrating and baffling aspects of religion. How can believers continue to have faith in an explanation that has been proven time and time again to be false!?!? Why do human beings not reject organizations that continue to tell them lies!? These are dangerous human beings and more dangerous groups.”
Russell singled out Christians in particular, as opponents of all intellectual progress, especially progress in science. It is small wonder that the grumpy philosopher had such a depressing outlook upon his fellow beings; moaning like a chicken trying to lay square eggs, that no Christian believed would ever hatch. The confused Atheist like most atheists could not live with his own views. His daughter Katharine continues, “Christians were mocked for imagining that man is important in the vast scheme of the universe, even the high point of all creation — yet my father thought man and his preservation the most important thing in the world, and he lived in hopes of a better life to come.” In his autobiography he wrote: “The sea, the stars, the night wind in waste places, means more to me than even the human beings I love best, and I am conscious that human affection is to me at bottom an attempt to escape from the vain search for God” Morality Russell believed that a parent must teach his child “with its very first breath that it has entered into a moral world” And yet, as with all atheists, he had a most difficult time explaining why, if man is simply the produce of natural forces, children should be taught morality. Ms. Tait recalled various conversations relative to moral matters in which she and her father engaged when she was a youngster. “I don’t want to! Why should I?” she pressed. She noted that a conventional parent might reply: “Because I say so … your father says so … God says so….” Russell, however, would say to his children: “Because more people will be happy if you do than if you don’t.” “So what?” she would respond, “I don’t care about other people.” In her innocence she would exclaim: “But why?” To her question the redundant rejoinder would be: “Because more people will be happy if you do than if you don’t.” His daughter continued, “We felt the heavy pressure of his rectitude and obeyed, but the reason was not convincing — neither to us nor to him.” The confused atheist could not answer the question of why be moral, to his own children, when they told him that they did not care about other people. The recent world history of atheism has proved to multiplied millions again and again that atheistic communism did not give a hoot about other people. It proved to be the fact in Russia and China, and Eastern Europe, and Cambodia etc., while the leaders themselves lived like royalty. Russell’s mantra that “outside human desire there is no moral standard,” has proved as false as Goebbels’s propaganda promises to Nazis Germany. A Vain Search for Peace As mentioned earlier, Professor Russell once said that “human affection” was but “an attempt to escape the vain search for God.” His daughter declared: “I believe myself that his whole life was a search for God…. Indeed, he had first taken up philosophy in hope of finding proof of the evidence of the existence of God … Somewhere at the back of my father’s mind, at the bottom of his heart, in the depths of his soul [which he did not believe he had — WJ] there was an empty space that had once been filled by God, and he never found anything else to put in it.” That statement is not quite correct. When God was banished from his heart, he replaced the vacuum with frustration, anger, and atheistic attempts to destroy the faith that flourished in the hearts of others. The atheists bridge to paradis is butressed by blind faith. The wretchedness of his emotional state at times reached depths of great pathos. In a letter penned in 1920, he wrote: “But I do know the despair in my soul. I know the great loneliness, as I wander through the world like a ghost, speaking in tones that are not heard, lost as if I had fallen from some other planet” In closing meditate on this poem that Russell addressed “To Edith,” Through the long years Such was a fitting epitaph for a tragic life. How sad compared to the words of Jesus who said, “I have come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.” That’s Something Worth Thinking About! He’s Only A Prayer Away! Pastor Bob |