
Islam is not a  religion of Love as Allah is not a God you can love  personally. He is a distant God so remote from us mere humans that when he wanted to reveal his will and commands to mankind, he did not talk directly to its greatest prophet Mohammed but talked to him second handedly via the angel Gabriel.   When the Quran says that Allah loves us remember he loves only those who obey him. Surah 3:110 says, “Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.” 


How many light years away is that from  the God of Christian who is Love, Jesus Christ  asked, “ For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?” (Matthew 5:46; Romans 5:8). Allah loves only  his own.


Here are but a few snapshots of you as a non-Muslim through the eyes of Mohammed the greatest of examples.  Surah 98:6, “Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are the worst of creatures.” (Cf. Surah  3:32; 5:51; 48:29)In Islam you do not love your fellow man, you do not love unbelievers, you love only fellow Muslims, fellow believers. This is a far cry from Christianity where it says,  “God is Love” (I John 4:16); And where Jesus says, Love you enemies” (Matthew 5:44).


That is like father saying he loves only those children who obey him.   Does this not leave out three-quarters of the human race. The world’s greatest book the Quran says that all unbelievers are “the worst of all creatures.” Notice the word creatures here; that means not lower than other human beings; that means all creatures,  that means lower than dogs and pigs and rats and insects. How demeaning is that? To add insult to injury all unbelievers were “created for hellfire.” I can understand evil people going to hell; but “created for hell” is beyond the pale, that is outside the limits of true justice.


How different from the God of Love as revealed in the pages of Scripture.  The apostle of love, John says, And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” (I John 4:16).


The Quran uses the word love some twenty-eight   times but twenty-two of those times it talks about love negatively, (79% of the time), referring to people whom Allah does not love. This is because Allah’s love is always conditional, never unconditional based on performance. You love him first or he does not love you at all. Show me a dysfunctional family and I will show you one built on performance alone and not on individual love.


The God of the Bible did not become loving at the time of creation, he has always been love. In Islam God is not a pro-conversationalist as he was with the Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden or  as Jesus after his resurrection was with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. In Islam there is no two-way communicating with God face to face as with God and Moses at the Burning Bush in the Wilderness. There is no one-on-one experience with his deity as Peter James and John experienced on the Mount of Transfiguration.  (Exodus 3:1-15; Matthew 17:1-8). In Islam it is somewhat like two porcupines trying to get close to one another on a cold winter day.  But you can  get only so close.


The Quran claims that the God of the Quran and the God of the Bible are the same God (Surah 29:46). But the God of the Quran and the God of the Bible are as different as light and darkness,  summer from winter, truth from lies, wheat from tares, ballots from bullets from bullets, Jerusalem from Mecca, plowshares from swords, the kingdom of God from the kingdoms of  this world.


Christians And Islamists cannot possibly be worshipping the same God because every major doctrine of Christianity is opposed by Allah the God of the Quran. The God of the Bible is: 1 a trinity, 2. entered space and time many times, 3. died on a cross, 4. rose from the dead, 5. intercedes for sinners in heaven, 6. talks to us one on one, and 7. loves those who do not love Him. Every one of these basic Christian beliefs are denied by Islam.


I will continue on in my next article telling you even more  about Allah. Like this article it is provocative and not for the faint hearted. But most important of all it is the  truth and only the truth can set you free.


Here is the most awesome truth you will ever hear,  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”


He’s only a prayer away.