My philosophy of ministry is found in this single verse of Scripture, “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has enabled me, because he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry” (I Timothy 1:12). It speaks of a divine call, a divine placement, and a divine enablement. It reminds me of my responsibility to be faithful.
Faithfulness is the one qualification for God’s call, it is the one quality required for ministry and it is the one quality which will be recognized and rewarded when we give account to God of our stewardship.
The faithfulness of God is unquestioned. The word clearly states, this eternal truth, “God is faithful.” He never changes. What He was, He still is. What He said, He still says. What He did, He still does.
Those who answer God’s call to ministry are to be faithful to His Call. His Will, his Word, and His Name

Faithful To His Call

Amos speaks of his call in Amos 7:14. He was not a prophet by parentage, by profession, nor by personal choice, but God called him and placed him in the ministry. God still speaks today to call men and women to proclaim his Word. God is counting on our faithfulness to His call.

Faithful To His Will
Success by men’s standards it’s not the measure of the will of God. Sometimes the path of ministry finds us in exceedingly demanding situations. There is plowing and planting which is just as vital to the harvest as reaping. Whether the field of ministry is large or small, prominent, or obscure the true minister of Christ we’ll find a place of God’s will and be faithful. Life’s greatest pursuit is to seek the will of God, life’s greatest knowledge is to know the will of God and life’s greatest accomplishment is to do the will of God.

Faithful To His Word

“Preach the Word,” is Paul’s charge to the gospel preacher. Ears may be more open to fantasy or fables, but the message of God’s redeeming grace extended to men through the blood of the cross is still the message of the Book. The blood-stained cross of Calvary has never been popular in a Christ-rejecting world, but it is the only avenue of atonement. Other messages may be more popular, but God is counting on us to be faithful to His Word. It is forever true, “The grass withers and flowers fade, but the Word of our God shall stand forever.” Be faithful to God’s Word.

Faithful To His Name

Jesus sends us forth to minister in His Name. Ministry in “the Name of the Lord” means much more than closing our prayers with the phrase, “in the name of Jesus.” It means that we must represent in actions, attitude, and lifestyle Him whose name we bear.
Ministry is God-given. In true perspective, it is not our ministry but His ministry. Not us, but God working through us. We go forth as servants on a mission for our master.
You can count on the faithfulness of God. He calls those to be His ministers whom he counts faithful. We must not seek the acclaim nor the applause of men, but rather all we seek is to be faithful to Him who has called us. His commendation will be our reward, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, and I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.”

Robert Bryant